• How shall we handle [[∃x]]? As we said, GS&V really tell us how to interpret [[∃xPx]], but for our purposes, what they say about this can be broken naturally into two pieces, such that we represent the update of our starting set u with [[∃xPx]] as:

    u >>= [[∃x]] >>= [[Px]]

    (Extra credit: how does the discussion on pp. 25-29 of GS&V bear on the possibility of this simplification?)

    What does [[∃x]] need to be here? Here's what they say, on the top of p. 13:

    Suppose an information state s is updated with the sentence ∃xPx. Possibilities in s in which no entity has the property P will be eliminated.

    We can defer that to a later step, where we do ... >>= [[Px]]. GS&V continue:

    The referent system of the remaining possibilities will be extended with a new peg, which is associated with x. And for each old possibility i in s, there will be just as many extensions i[x/d] in the new state s' as there are entities d which in the possible world of i have the property P.

    Deferring the "property P" part, this corresponds to:

    u updated with [[∃x]] ≡
        let extend one_dpm (d : entity) =
            dpm_bind one_dpm (new_peg_and_assign 'x' d)
        in set_bind u (fun one_dpm -> List.map (fun d -> extend one_dpm d) domain)

    where new_peg_and_assign is the operation we defined in hint 3:

    let new_peg_and_assign (var_to_bind : char) (d : entity) : bool -> bool dpm =
        fun truth_value ->
            fun (r, h) ->
                (* first we calculate an unused index *)
                let new_index = List.length h
                (* next we store d at h[new_index], which is at the very end of h *)
                (* the following line achieves that in a simple but inefficient way *)
                in let h' = List.append h [d]
                (* next we assign 'x' to location new_index *)
                in let r' = fun var ->
                    if var = var_to_bind then new_index else r var
                (* we pass through the same truth_value that we started with *)
                in (truth_value, r', h');;

    What's going on in this proposed representation of [[∃x]]? For each bool dpm in u, we collect dpms that are the result of passing through their bool, but extending their input (r, h) by allocating a new peg for entity d, for each d in our whole domain of entities, and binding the variable x to the index of that peg. A later step can then filter out all the dpms where the entity d we did that with doesn't have property P. (Again, consult GS&V pp. 25-9 for extra credit.)

    If we call the function (fun one_dom -> List.map ...) defined above [[∃x]], then u updated with [[∃x]] updated with [[Px]] is just:

    u >>= [[∃x]] >>= [[Px]]

    or, being explicit about which "bind" operation we're representing here with >>=, that is:

    set_bind (set_bind u [[∃x]]) [[Px]]
  • Let's compare this to what [[∃xPx]] would look like on a non-dynamic semantics, for example, where we use a simple Reader monad to implement variable binding. Reminding ourselves, we'd be working in a framework like this. (Here we implement environments or assignments as functions from variables to entities, instead of as lists of pairs of variables and entities. An assignment r here is what fun c -> List.assoc c r would have been in week7.)

    type assignment = char -> entity;;
    type 'a reader = assignment -> 'a;;
    let reader_unit (value : 'a) : 'a reader = fun r -> value;;
    let reader_bind (u : 'a reader) (f : 'a -> 'b reader) : 'b reader =
        fun r ->
            let a = u r
            in let u' = f a
            in u' r;;

    Here the type of a sentential clause is:

    type clause = bool reader;;

    Here are meanings for singular terms and predicates:

    let getx : entity reader = fun r -> r 'x';;
    type lifted_unary = entity reader -> bool reader;;
    let lift (predicate : entity -> bool) : lifted_unary =
        fun entity_reader ->
            fun r ->
                let obj = entity_reader r
                in reader_unit (predicate obj)

    The meaning of [[Qx]] would then be:

    [[Q]] ≡ lift q
    [[x]] ≡ getx
    [[Qx]] ≡ [[Q]] [[x]] ≡
        fun r ->
            let obj = getx r
            in reader_unit (q obj)

    Recall also how we defined [[lambda x]], or as we called it before, [[who(x)]]:

    let shift (var_to_bind : char) (clause : clause) : lifted_unary =
        fun entity_reader ->
            fun r ->
                let new_value = entity_reader r
                (* remember here we're implementing assignments as functions rather than as lists of pairs *)
                in let r' = fun var -> if var = var_to_bind then new_value else r var
                in clause r'

    Now, how would we implement quantifiers in this setting? I'll assume we have a function exists of type (entity -> bool) -> bool. That is, it accepts a predicate as argument and returns true if any element in the domain satisfies that predicate. We could implement the reader-monad version of that like this:

    fun (lifted_predicate : lifted_unary) ->
        fun r -> exists (fun (obj : entity) ->
            lifted_predicate (reader_unit obj) r)

    That would be the meaning of [[∃]], which we'd use like this:

    [[∃]] ( [[Q]] )

    or this:

    [[∃]] ( [[lambda x]] [[Qx]] )

    If we wanted to compose [[∃]] with [[lambda x]], we'd get:

    let shift var_to_bind clause =
        fun entity_reader r ->
            let new_value = entity_reader r
            in let r' = fun var -> if var = var_to_bind then new_value else r var
            in clause r'
    in let lifted_exists =
        fun lifted_predicate ->
            fun r -> exists (fun obj -> lifted_predicate (reader_unit obj) r)
    in fun bool_reader -> lifted_exists (shift 'x' bool_reader)

    which we can simplify to:

    fun bool_reader ->
        let shifted r new_value =
                let r' = fun var -> if var = 'x' then new_value else r var
                in bool_reader r'
        in fun r -> exists (shifted r)

    This gives us a value for [[∃x]], which we use like this:

    [[∃x]] ( [[Qx]] )

    Contrast the way we use [[∃x]] in GS&V's system. Here we don't have a function that takes [[Qx]] as an argument. Instead we have a operation that gets bound in a discourse chain:

    u >>= [[∃x]] >>= [[Qx]]

    The crucial difference in GS&V's system is that the distinctive effect of the [[∃x]]---to allocate new pegs in the store and associate variable x with the objects stored there---doesn't last only while interpreting some clauses supplied as arguments to [[∃x]]. Instead, it persists through the discourse, possibly affecting the interpretation of claims outside the logical scope of the quantifier. This is how we'll able to interpret claims like:

    If ∃x (man x and ∃y y is wife of x) then (x kisses y).

    See the discussion on pp. 24-5 of GS&V.

  • Can you figure out how to handle [[not φ]] and the other connectives? If not, here are some more hints. But try to get as far as you can on your own.